How can we help you?

yes. Registration is completely free.

Click on signup button in menu bar. Fill the details and click on register.

Yes. Confirming your email is an important part of the account setup process. After creating your account, you will be sent an email asking you to verify your email address.
Your job will not be visible to jobseekers until you verify your email address.

Create an Employer Account.Then go to Dashboard Click on Submit job then fill the details of job. Admin team will verify the job. if job gets approved it will be added to our website.

Rather than choosing a gimmicky title designed to catch the eye, the best titles on Ndallo align with terms a quality jobseeker would use to describe their ideal job. A certified marketing manager, for example, would not likely type ‘marketing ninja’ into a search field. Opt for a descriptive, clear title.

When posting your jobs, you will be asked to specify the terms of the position (full-time, part-time, contract, etc.) and have the option to include salary information. It’s optional to specify a salary, but Ndallo data shows that applicants prefer listings that include this.

and we do not allow any link other than the google map link.

In most cases, our review process takes between 1 and 6 hours.

Yes, when you post a job you’ll be asked to make an account. From your dashboard page you can edit jobs, manage multiple listings and more.

After the post is verified, it takes 60 days to stay on our site and be removed from our website

Go to homepage. click on view job to see the full job description. You can send your resume through Phone Number, whatsapp or Email given, Or Use Detail shown on Employer Dashboard on Job description

Before getting started, make sure you have an soft copy of your resume.

Go to homepage. Click on View job after the job description you can see the Report option. Click on report then fill your details and comments. Admin team will verify the job. if the job is not genuine, it will  be removed from the site.

You are requested to give us a valid reason. Some of the following are…

1. The Phone Number is Wrong
2. An Email Address is Wrong
3. Not a Job offer
4. This offer is a Scam
5. Not related to UAE

Later, give us 12 hours straight to take them down from ndallo.com. This quick response can be done except Friday & Sunday. However, Friday & Sunday would take longer for taking appropriate action. So please be patient.

Important Note: We will send you a confirmation email in case your report ad gets approved.

Is there anything else?

For any other help — reach out to our team.
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